my backpack is "my bestfriend" in travelling, this backpack is already more than six years old, and together we had been into many places and of course with my hubby-bi Michael ;) in every country that we went i stitch a flag of the country on my backpack, and hubby says it's like a "trophy" for a traveler like me ;) can you tell which flag is missing?
the Lorbeer (it suppose to be olive leaves) are from Mutti, she always give us this leaves as a beliefs or tradition from the bible that any one who's going or traveling, this leaves will keep the traveler safe on his journey.
this will be my last post for the month, Michael will drive me to Frankfurt on Saturday, i will see you all after two months..... have a wonderful day to everyone and have fun blogging, hope to "see" you all again ;)
er.. sorry guys if my backpack is bit dirty... never washed it for six years hehe ;) and don't ask me where's my flip-flops... i'm wearing it right now ;)
*hugs* to all muaahhh!!!! ;)