snail ;) cooked in olive oil, garlic, onions and secret herbst from the Elsacer cook ;) lecker! ;)
pottery shop in Sufflenheim
wild white horse in wetlands of Camargue
ricefields in Camargue
village of Le Baux
breathtaking view on our way to Le Baux
Tarascon castle
"Val des Fees" ( valley of the fairies) in Rousillon

at the main square of Palais des Papes in Avignon
Pont di Avignon
Amphitheater in Nimes
Pont du Gard
River Gard in pont du Gard
Antique Theater in Orange
Ardeche is famous for it's fascinating landscape
at the main square of Palais des Papes in Avignon

"Fachwerkhäuser" in Burkheim
Bonjour! :) Yes, i'm back! ;) flip - flops and backpack is back! ;) how's my fellow bloggers? hope everyone is doing fine, two weeks ago we came back from our trip to Provence in France. Two weeks travelling in Provence is not enough, but at least within that time we visited some amazing places.
let me just share to you guys some photos of each places we visited, and watch out for more photos and stories, can't blog so often now because of too many reasons, and one more thing we are leaving again end of this month to go to Budapest, Hungary to celebrate our 5th Year Wedding Anniversary :) so, this post will be like my comeback post, so guys hope you enjoy viewing the photos and enjoy the fun in the world of blogging! :) and please! watch out for my entry about our trip in Camargue in our site in Salitype Society. God Bless you all....